Filing cabinet with documents | Readable, free readability test, document scoring tool

How to repurpose a document for the web

For accessibility, it's best practice to convert documents to HTML when uploading resources. We'll cover the best way to do this.

27 May 2021 by Laura Kelly
Speech bubble with ellipses | Readable, free hedge word detector

How to write with confidence

Hedge words smooth the edges of our communication. They can also be evasive. How can we reduce them to sound confident in our writing?

1 April 2021 by Laura Kelly
Text 'write without fear, edit without mercy' | Readable, free readability test for editing and proofreading

Strategies for effective editing

Editing your writing is something you need to do strategically to be successful. Here are some pointers to help you edit with purpose and confidence. 

21 October 2020 by Laura Kelly
letter writing set on table with coffee | Readable, free readability test

This is what an excellent cover letter looks like

Cover letters which are readable and concise stand out. We’ll go through some of the major features of a cover letter that will impress. 

28 April 2020 by Laura Kelly
Technical writing blog header - technical drawing with measuring instruments | Readable, free readability test

Readability for technical writers

Readability metrics are an invaluable tool for technical writers. How can you apply these Plain English rules to write clear and concise technical material?

16 January 2020 by Laura Kelly
Girl holding notebook looking at notes | Readable, free readability test

Examples of wordy sentences – and how to correct wordiness

What does it mean for a sentence to be 'too wordy'? How can you edit sentences to decrease wordiness and improve readability?

24 October 2019 by Laura Kelly

How to write a persuasive job description

How can you write a job description that stands out, grabs the reader's attention and attracts the right candidate?

17 October 2019 by Laura Kelly
Person using dual screen computer | Readable, free readability test

How can we reduce workplace email despair?

Since email’s conception, there have been a host of other methods of communication developed - but email is still the most commonly used in the workplace. What are some common email faux pas, and how can we do better?

10 October 2019 by Laura Kelly

Top essay mistakes in academic writing – and how to avoid them

It’s easy to feel insecure as an academic writer. After all, you’re writing about big ideas. How can you avoid common stylistic pitfalls in your essay? 

19 August 2019 by Laura Kelly

Watch your tone – how to write content that connects

We all know the phrase: “It’s not what you say, it’s the way you say it.” How can you connect to your reader on a personal level?

5 August 2019 by Laura Kelly

3 easy fixes to make your blogs more conversational

Making these simple changes to your draft will make your reader feel as welcome as if you were getting coffee together.

14 January 2019 by Laura Kelly

A step by step guide to improving readability

Readability is a cornerstone of content marketing, which helps readers understand the message that is being told to them.

24 October 2018 by Steve Linney